About Me:)

I’m an Emmy Winning Television Journalist and Meteorologist. I emcee galas, awards ceremonies, graduations and other events. I’m a Keynote Speaker. I’m a Spokeswoman. I’m a Media Consultant. I’m an active community volunteer. I’m a Mommy and a Wife.

I graduated with honors in Broadcast Journalism from Syracuse University and with honors in Broadcast Meteorology & Atmospheric Science from Mississippi State University. I’ve lived in New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, North Carolina, and West Virginia. I currently reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

I storm chase. I educate children about weather safety. I count my blessings. I’m a diet coke drinker, reality TV enthusiast, and a jogger. I’m a 30-something who writes for a hobby and hugs like it’s her job.

At the end of the day though, I’m just a girl who believes in the incredible power of a smile… and that I’ve been put on this earth to spread a little more sunshine.  Thanks for reading!

28 thoughts on “About Me:)

  1. Julie….we all need a little more Sunshine in our lives. LOVE the site. I just started my own blog. I love writing. Looking forward to following your blog.

  2. Already love the blog. Also glad to know you’re a cat person. I had a 22 pound diabetic grand-cat. Sweet Timon had to take insulin shots twice a day. Hope you have a great vet for your baby! Good luck on the blog!

    • Hi Anne! Yes!! My sweet Jackson is also a 2 shot a day kitty! We have a great vet, who has kept Jackson healthy for many years. He turns 15 this year but sometimes still runs around the house like he’s 5 months! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and for your kind comment!!!

  3. I’m so glad that you put this blog together, Julie! Thank you for taking the time to let us share your sunshine and energy!

  4. Absolutely amazing. Then absolutely amazing is what we now expect from the one and only Julie Chin.
    Your blog is great. Thanks for giving us (your fans) an opportunity to keep up with your activities.

  5. AH HA! I FOUND YOU!!!! LOL Nice little page you have here Julie. Always enjoyed reading your little stories and thoughts. Glad I can still see them. Also I need to talk to you off the page can you email me at SKYWARN_KD5CTL@HOTMAIL.COM I sure miss your winning smile every morning and so does Trey. (he actually quit watching the news after you left if you can believe that LOL) TTYL, Jimmy Williams

  6. I love that I have something to come to that I can still connect with you on a regular basis. Living so far away from friends is hard! I so miss you.

  7. Hi Julie….when you’re available, let’s meet for lunch and share with each other our great and exciting new adventures! I can’t wait to hear more about you and to share with you that I’m the Executive Director of the Kendall Whittier Main Street Program. SO EXCITING!! Can’t wait to hear from you….918.633.1934 or 918.694.7388 Nancy Phelps

  8. Awww!!!!
    You’re a cat lover….you’re more than ok in my book!!!
    My 4-legged child is a 14 year old kitty named Cody.
    Love the blog!!!!!

  9. Thank you for being a catalyst in Channing paradigms…..the world is full of negativity because that is easy…you are a trailblazer!

  10. The gem I got from your article is that sometimes, in the midst of all of the day’s demands and the extensive technology, we need to slow down and appreciate the little things. I’ve heard it said Life isn’t so much about weathering the storm, as it is dancing in the rain!

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